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Saint Nazaire, France

This business case showcases the EDF/Enbridge owned Offshore Windfarm Project in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Saint Nazaire France, which took place between 2020 and 2022.

Picture of Saint Nazaire, France

Saint Nazaire Offshore Windfarm
Type of Project: Offshore Wind Farm
Location: Saint Nazaire, Atlantic Ocean, France
Construction Period: 2020 - 2022

The Saint Nazaire Offshore Windfarm, jointly owned by EDF and Enbridge, represents a significant leap forward in sustainable energy generation, emphasizing environmental stewardship and community acceptance. EOS Maritime played a crucial role in spearheading the offshore construction management, deploying seasoned professionals to ensure the project's success.

Project Overview
Spanning from 2020 to 2022, the Saint Nazaire Offshore Windfarm project aimed to establish an offshore wind farm comprising 80 wind turbines, an Offshore Sub-Station (OSS), and crucial infrastructure, including an Operation and Maintenance (O/M) Base and port facilities for logistics. Additionally, the project involved connecting the wind farm to the electrical grid via the RTE-owned Grid connection.

EOS Maritime's Contribution
In addition to leading the Offshore Construction Management, EOS Maritime provided Employer Representatives for the Foundation, Offshore Substation (FOU), and Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) installation. Furthermore, EOS Maritime supplied the Balance of Plant Technicians team leader, overseeing the coordination and execution of various project related activities on already installed assets.

Challenges Overcome
The project encountered various challenges inherent to offshore construction, compounded by interactions with the local fishing community and the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. Working amidst the Atlantic Ocean's formidable conditions, characterized by high waves and relentless winds, necessitated meticulous planning and execution. Moreover, navigating the rocky seabed posed additional complexities, requiring bespoke Monopile drilling for foundation installation as a base case.

Engaging with the local fishing community presented a unique challenge. By fostering open dialogue and collaboration, EOS Maritime devised a solution that minimized disruptions to fishing activities. Strategically staggering construction activities across different parts of the wind farm ensured continued access to fishing grounds. Despite occasional closures for safety reasons, EOS Maritime maintained, with the much-appreciated help of a great consent team, transparency and solidarity with the fishermen, culminating in celebratory "grand openings" upon project completion.

Achievements and Impact
Despite these challenges, the Saint Nazaire Offshore Windfarm project was completed months ahead of schedule, underscoring EOS Maritime's commitment to excellence and effective project management. This achievement not only contributes to France's sustainable energy goals but also sets a precedent for future offshore wind projects in the region. Furthermore, the successful execution of the project serves as a testament to EOS Maritime's unwavering determination and proficiency in navigating complex offshore endeavours.

The Saint Nazaire Offshore Windfarm epitomizes the successful construction of an offshore wind farm amidst diverse challenges. Through strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and resilient execution, EOS Maritime demonstrated its ability to deliver impactful projects in the energy sector. This achievement not only advances France's renewable energy objectives but also reaffirms EOS Maritime's position as a leader in offshore construction and management.