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Nobelwind, Belgie

This business case showcases Luxembourg based Jan De Nul Group installing the foundations and turbines of the 165 MW Nobelwind park (also known as Bligh Bank 2) in Belgium, with Parkwind NV as the main shareholder.

Picture of Nobelwind, Belgie

Construction and Installation of the Blighbank II / Nobelwind Offshore Wind Farm

Location: Offshore Oostende, Belgium
Construction Period: 2015 - 2016
Contractor: Jan de Nul (FOU EPCI scope + WTG scope)
Partner: EOS Maritime

EOS Maritime proudly participated in a landmark project alongside Jan de Nul, contributing to the construction and installation of an offshore wind farm situated off the coast of Oostende, Belgium. Our role as Offshore Installation Manager and Project Engineering services provider was instrumental in the successful execution of this venture.

Project Overview
This ambitious project involved the construction and installation of 51 offshore wind turbines, including their foundations, as well as the establishment of the Offshore SubStation (OSS). Executed over two phases spanning the summers of 2015 and 2016, our teams diligently managed the construction and installation processes to ensure seamless delivery.

Challenges Overcome
Despite encountering various challenges, such as navigating a new project team and meeting Jan de Nul's ambitious targets, our collaboration persevered. Through unwavering teamwork and dedication, the project was completed without any Lost Time Incidents (LTI), solidifying our commitment to quality, health, safety, and the environment (QHSE).

Achievements and Impact
The successful completion of this project not only reinforced Jan de Nul's position as a key player in the offshore wind industry but also established a lasting partnership between Jan de Nul and EOS Maritime. Our contribution to this milestone endeavor underscores our capabilities in managing complex offshore projects and our dedication to achieving excellence in all aspects of our work.

The construction and installation of the offshore wind farm near Oostende stands as a testament to the collective expertise and determination of the teams involved. As we continue our journey in the maritime industry, EOS Maritime remains committed to delivering innovative solutions and driving positive change in the offshore energy sector.